
Fire emblem three houses tea guide
Fire emblem three houses tea guide

fire emblem three houses tea guide fire emblem three houses tea guide

The list below contains samples of what you can expect to harvest from each type of seed - and the results or quantity of items can change.

fire emblem three houses tea guide

The items you get from harvesting can vary wildly depending on which seeds you've planted and how much you've cultivated them. Again, at the start you won't be able to do much, but as your Professor Level increases - so do your options. Read on to learn Lysithea's favorite tea, best topics, and which answers to choose for Lysithea's conversation topics. Both options help maximize how much your relationship grows during tea time.At their base, seeds will usually give some modest rewards when cultivated, but you can increase the yield, and the chance for rare items, by investing money in higher tier cultivation. This is a guide for having a Tea Party (Tea Time) with Lysithea in Fire Emblem Three Houses (FE3H). The "observe" option is a weird little mechanic where you literally look at the unit as "joke", "smile", and other prompts pop up. Tea party guide for Dorothea in Fire Emblem: Three Houses. Gifts should also be catered to the units personality type, so Raphael will love training weights and Ferdinand will appreciate anything to do with tea or horseback riding. Each Chapter of Fire Emblem: Three Houses' Walkthrough includes a calendar of events, the best conversation responses to build support, tips on quests, and a battle map and strategy for. Included are the characters recommended tea, best topics, conversations, and favorite gifts. Ferdinand will approach you with an unexpectedly delicate gift an Elegant Tea Set and he’ll bid you to find someone who can appreciate it as a gift. Tea party guide for Ingrid in Fire Emblem: Three Houses. Fire Emblem Three Houses Tea Guide Unlocking Tea Time Haven’t been able to access tea time yet Don’t worry, it’s nothing personal you unlock it by doing a quest in the second month of the game. Once you get it right you'll be able to access your inventory and provide a gift so be sure to pick some up at the merchant stand before you get to tea time. Fire Emblem: Three Houses - Ingrid Tea Party Guide. Like normal conversation topics, your answer will need to be catered to the units personality. Each unit has a list of teas that they enjoy, choosing one of these teas will earn you one Evaluation Point. Next, you’ll have three chances to talk to your partner. The first stage is to choose which tea to serve. you can find tea as random items throughout the monastery or purchase them from. Any tea will suffice, but if you pick a tea they like, it’ll make things easier. Fire Emblem Three Houses Tea Party Guide First, you must select a type of tea. Get it right and you'll get the opportunity to give an additional gift and "observe" the character as they sit across from you. Fire Emblem: Three Houses Tea Party guide - tea time answers, favorite tea and the tea for two quest by RPG Site Staff on 06 August, 2019 As well as perfecting your battle strategy, Fire. You can find tea as random items throughout the monastery or purchase them from the Eastern Merchant in the market (when available). You'll get the opportunity to respond with a gesture, like a nod or a blush, to seal the deal. If you nail all three selections your tea partner will add one additional comment at the end. Guide Cutting Edge Fire Emblem: Three Houses Tea Party guide.

Fire emblem three houses tea guide