
528 hz tuning fork for sale
528 hz tuning fork for sale

528 hz tuning fork for sale

They use the frequency of 250.56, which is a 30 fold multiple, or 5 Octaves higher than the Schumann Resonance. The other way is to create a tuning fork in a multiple of the Schumann Resonance which is what Meinl did. The Biofield tuning forks are a weighted tuning fork set. Thats what Biofield Tuning did when they created their set of 54.81 and 62.64 which create a binaural beat of 7.83. The first way is by using a pair of differently tuned forks to create a binaural beat of 7.83. There are two ways the Schumann Resonance of 7.83 is achieved using tuning forks. Who makes this set: Planetary Therapy Tuning Fork, Schumann, Biofield Tuning Shumann Pair Number of tuning forks in set: one or two, depending on the set

#528 hz tuning fork for sale how to#

The Academy of Sound Healing has an online course to guide you on how to use this set of Fibonacci tuners to help trauma and treat addiction.įrequencies, in Hz: 54.81 and 62.64. The others are as follows:ġ/1 is 256hz The base, beginning or creationĢ/1 is 512 Hz The space of possibility, aka the Aetherģ/2 is 384 Hz Balance and centering between polar forcesĥ/3 is 426.68 Hz The Dream space or astralĨ/5 is 426.66 Hz The inner knowing, healer and higher selfġ3/8 is 416 Hz The crystal door to our source of love and lightĢ1/13 is 413.44 Hz The gateway to higher knowledge, subconscious and Akashic realmsģ4/21 is 414.46 Hz The eye of God, the duality and the dichotomy of simplicity and complexity The base tuning fork, labeled 1/1 which has a Hz frequency of 256, corresponds with the beginning or creation. The tuning forks correspond in the following way. Addiction and trauma can and does push one into alternate realities, and these tuning forks can be used to restore balance. So you can see from the 5/3 tuning fork, to the 34/21 tuning fork, there is not a large difference between the Hz frequency of the forks, and a visual inspection of the forks also shows you that the forks are not too different in size, and it is because the distance in a golden ration spiral quickly decreases.Įach tuning fork corresponds with a state of reality or being as well, which is why these tuning forks are so helpful in treating addiction and trauma. The Tuning Forks in the Fibonacci scale, based off of or starting with 256 Hz are as follows: Since the Fibonacci scale follows a spiral pattern, the interval between the fibonacci ratio and corresponding frequencies quickly decreases, just like the space in a shell or a golden ratio spiral quickly becomes smaller and smaller. The more common sets of Fibonacci tuners follow the ratio derived from the sequence.

528 hz tuning fork for sale

So that set or pair is an exception to what I am discussing here. You can see the Frequency and Ratio of each tuning fork in the commonly available Fibonacci sets in the picture above.Īs a side note, Biofield Tuning sells a set or pair of Fibonacci tuning forks that do not follow the frequency laid out in the illustration, but the pair instead matches the 11th and 12th position of the sequence. Most of the Fibonacci tuning fork sets available in the market today are based in or start with the 256 Hz Frequency, which is labeled 1/1. This sequence of frequency is aimed at healing trauma and addictions.

528 hz tuning fork for sale

The Fibonacci Tuning fork set is based off the mathematics of the golden ratio, Phi or spiral sequence. Who makes this set: Biosonics Set of 8 Fibonacci Tuning Forks, Tuning Fork Shop 8 Piece Fibonacci Tuning Fork,, Medivibe Fibonacci set, Sound Therapy Shop.

528 hz tuning fork for sale