
Active listening skills in social work
Active listening skills in social work


This combination of skills is identified by Lefevere as the ‘knowing-being-doing’ model. 61) argues that effective communication not only requires the person in a helping capacity to have a good range of practical and theoretical knowledge, but they must also have good self-awareness and self-knowledge. This clarification will include helping to identify the aims and goals of the service user, as well as considering options for whether or how these goals may be achieved. Rather, it is important to gently paraphrase and summarise the service user’s account to verify your own understanding, reflecting back and seeking clarification in a measured and sensitive way. It is also important to convey empathy and acceptance, resisting any attempts to express your views or conclusions at too early a stage. What works best for the service user? Define steps and actions.’ Figure 3Įgan highlights the need for Active Listening, requiring the helper to attend to the service user’s non-verbal and verbal communications, paying attention not only to their words, but also to their body language, facial expressions and tone of voice. Explore strengths and resources.’ The third box has the following text: ‘Stage 3 Action planning. Help the person gain a perspective on the situation. Help the person focus on specific issues.’ The second box has the following text: ‘Stage 2 Identifying aims and goals. The first box has the following text: ‘Stage 1 Exploration. This is a diagram with three boxes showing different stages. The three stages are shown in the diagram below: These stages are: Exploration Identifying aims and goals and Action planning. In his book The Skilled Helper, Egan presents a three-stage model for communicating effectively in a helping context. Listening carefully, concentrating, asking the right questions, and utilizing techniques such as paraphrasing and summarizing also helps social workers to engage and establish trust with clients. Gerard Egan (1994) suggests that generally, although never in a rigid or an artificial way, communication can be improved by facing the other person squarely, maintaining an open posture, leaning slightly towards them, maintaining eye contact, and trying to be relaxed. Active listening is necessary for social workers to understand and identify a client’s needs. 14) identifies some of the communication skills required by social workers, as including the following: Where it is evident that there are barriers present or emerging that may be preventing effective communication, it is the responsibility of the social worker to anticipate and manage these barriers and to minimise their negative effects. These skills include listening and paying attention to the detail as well as to the themes or difficult to articulate elements responding in a way that indicates to the other person that they have been accurately understood and questioning, in ways that are respectful and wherever possible are in line with the service user’s wishes and needs. Interviews will almost always have pre-existing objectives, and a skilled interviewer will have at their disposal a range of methods and responses that are practised and developed to maximise the relevance and quality of the interview content, as well as enabling the person being interviewed to feel as at ease and as safe as possible in each situation. Social workers are frequently involved in interviewing service users, other professionals and family members.


The process of developing self-awareness and conscious control of our interpretations and reflections is, therefore, a primary requirement and ongoing professional responsibility for all people working in the helping professions, including social work.

active listening skills in social work

Consequently, no one can claim to be wholly neutral in any particular encounter. All of us as individuals have our unique set of preconceptions, prejudices and cultural conditioning. However, Seden points out that for effective communication, social workers need to be sensitive to the other person, their understandings, their interactions and their social context. achieve service user and practitioner goals.

active listening skills in social work

20) suggests that verbal and non-verbal methods in social work communication are used to: You may not redistribute, sell or place these materials on any other web site without written permission from the BBC and British Council.One of the foundational elements in social work is the ability for the social worker to have good communication skills.


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active listening skills in social work

  • To provide practice and feedback of the situation of actively listening to a friend or colleague talking about a difficult experience.
  • active listening skills in social work

    To teach some language and techniques for active listening, including effective use of body language.To raise awareness of the importance of active listening skills, and some situations where they are especially important.

    Active listening skills in social work